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ChatGPT: The Big Workplace Risks Of The Next 10 Years

ChatGPT is a language processing tool driven by Artificial Intelligence that allows us to have human-like conversations with an AI chatbot. The AI model can answer questions and process common tasks like composing essays, emails, code, and articles. Since OpenAI released ChatGPT in November 2022 journalists, business analysts, and academics have been experimenting with the subscription tool to gain perspective and insight on subjects within their field.

Not to be left out, this publication asked the cutting-edge processor to answer one of the bigger questions in occupational risk management:

What are the main workplace risks of the next 10 years?

ChatGPT Answered:

AUTOMATION: The increasing automation of jobs could lead to job displacement and unemployment

CYBERSECURITY: With more companies moving towards digitalization, data breaches and cyber attacks on workers personal information and company data are on the rise.

MENTAL HEALTH: The stress of work, long hours, and high-performance expectations may cause mental health issues amongst workers leading to decreased productivity and job satisfaction.

REMOTE WORK: The increasing trend of remote work could lead to social isolation in workers, lack of work-life balance, and ergonomic issues.

CLIMATE CHANGE: Workers may experience health and safety risks due to increasingly frequent and severe weather events, or the need to work in hazardous or extreme weather conditions

WORKPLACE HARASSMENT: Despite ongoing efforts to prevent and combat workplace harassment, it remains an ongoing risk to employees.

AGING WORKFORCE: As the global population ages, companies may face a shortage of experienced workers, and demand for customized work arrangements and accomodation.

HEALTH AND SAFETY RISKS: Accidents and illness from exposure to hazardous materials, machinery, or environmental hazards could continue to pose a threat to workers health and safety.


While the impressive chatbot did not provide extensive reasoning for listing each risk, it did highlight the most important risk categories that could affect workers and their companies in the coming years. And based on the research collated by this website to date, it answered with remarkable accuracy. AI-based chatbots may very well have a role in assisting organisations to predict and manage future occupational risks.

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Garry McGauran MSc. is author and editor at Emerging Tech Safety. He has 18 years experience working in roles such as prototype risk assessor, design safety consultant, and academic research advisor, as well as heading up his own drone inspection service. He is a freelance safety & risk consultant serving the tech and utility sectors in Ireland and the UK.